How to Make a Winning Career Change.

Career Essentials.

Quote of the Week

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt Disney

For some people, making a career change can be easy, for others, it may be a nightmare. You have to convince loved ones, friends, employers, and in some cases clients that you have what is required for the new career path. There are several factors to consider before making a career change, which makes it quite complicated and full of anxiety. 

Here are 3 things to consider before making that career change: 


Changing your career means potentially starting over in a new field. This is especially daunting if you had acquired some seniority in your former field. Most employers would expect you to prove your competence before entrusting you with more responsibility. Therefore, are you willing to start all over – from the beginning? 

To make it easier research different career paths:

  • Explore different career paths related to your interests.

  • Investigate industries, companies, and roles that align with your goals.


Because you need a lot of skills to be effective in that new role. It can seem like a lot to learn at the same time. 

Do a self-assessment to identify your skills, strengths, weaknesses, and interests.

  • Identify the skills needed for your desired career.

  • Develop a plan to acquire and enhance those skills through training, workshops, or on-the-job experiences.

  • Identify the educational and training requirements for your chosen career.

  • Consider obtaining additional certifications or degrees if necessary.


Networking is important in every aspect of career growth. Most people change their careers as a result of recommendations from someone in their network. 

You need to consider if you have people in your network who will be willing to help you make the career change. Try reaching out to others who are working in the field you are interested in and asking them questions about their work. This will give you an idea of whether or not this career will be a good fit for you and your values. 

Networking is still one of the most effective ways to find job opportunities. 

  • Use both online and offline channels to build and nurture relationships.

  • Use your social media platforms to connect with professionals and join relevant groups. 

  • Share valuable insights to build genuine connections and offer to help. 


Spend enough time asking yourself important questions. Think about what has led you to this decision, whether there is any other way that you can improve your current employment position. Before making a switch, consider if changing your career is the best decision at this point in your life. Most importantly, you must not allow fear to get in the way, don’t stop because you are scared. 

Pro tip.

  • Regularly review and update your career plan.

  • Be open to adjusting your goals based on changes in your interests or external factors.

  • Share your career plan with mentors or trusted colleagues.

  • Seek feedback and advice to refine your plan.

  • Understand that your career plan may evolve over time.

  • Be open to new opportunities and adjust your plan as needed.



5 Website to Boost Your Career Growth 

5 Sites to Find Job Opportunities. 

4 Sites to learn job readiness, soft skills. 

*Please note some sites may be an affiliate. 

Stay positive. Stay focused. Keep learning. Stay connected

Wishing you continued success!

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