Hurricane and Storm.

How to Nail Down Your Next Online Interview: A Simple Guide.

Photo by NOAA on Unsplash

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky

What to expect. 

Tips, Tricks, and Practice Exercises

Are you ready to ace your next online interview? With more and more companies switching to virtual interviews especially for the first round, it's essential to master the art of online communication. In this post, we'll share expert tips, practice exercises, and insider secrets to help you shine on screen.

Before the Interview

1. Choose Your Space Wisely

Find a quiet, private spot with good lighting and minimal distractions. You don’t need a fancy office to nail an online interview, but you do want to make sure your background is clean and tidy.

2. Test Your Tech

To avoid any awkward “Can you hear me?” moments, make sure all your tech is working smoothly beforehand. Ensure your internet connection, camera, and audio are working smoothly.

Here is a quick exercise. The night before your interview, do a full tech run-through. Make sure your internet is stable, your camera looks clear, and your microphone is working. Better safe than sorry!

3. Dress to Impress (Yes, Really!)

Wear professional attire to get into the right mindset.

Prepare Like You Would for Any Other Interview

Meaning you need to be just as prepared as you would be for an in-person meeting.

  • Practice responses to common interview questions like “Tell me about yourself” or “Why do you want this job?”

  • Always have a few questions prepared for the interviewer. It shows you’re genuinely interested in the company and the role.

Source. X

Quick exercise: Get a list of interview questions and practice answering them out loud. 

Here are 5 smart questions to practice. Thanks to Reno Perry 

1. What types of skills is the team missing that you're looking to fill with a new hire?

↳ Listen for specific skills that align with your strengths and expertise.

2. What metrics or goals will my performance be evaluated against?

↳ Look for clear, measurable goals that you feel confident in achieving.

3. What are the company's current goals, and how does this team work to support hitting those goals?

↳ Pay attention to how well the team's objectives align with the overall company mission.

4. What's the most important thing I should accomplish in the first 90 days?

↳ Ensure that the expectations are realistic and that you have the necessary resources and support to achieve them.

5. Do you expect my main responsibilities in this position to change in the next six months to a year?

↳ Be aware of potential role changes and consider if they align with your career goals.

Additionally, record yourself on your phone or laptop so you can watch it back and see how you come across it. You’ll catch things like awkward pauses or repeated phrases that you might want to refine.

During the Interview

1. Eye Contact Matters

Look into the camera, not at the screen.

2. Body Language Counts

Sit up straight, relax your shoulders, and use gestures.

3. Speak Clearly and Confidently

Avoid filler words (um, ah), and pace yourself.

Practice Exercises

Exercise 1: The Elevator Pitch

Record yourself answering: "Tell me about yourself." Keep it concise, focused, and enthusiastic.

Exercise 2: Common Questions

Practice responding to:

  • Why do you want to work for our company?

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?

  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Exercise 3: Think on Your Feet

Prepare for unexpected questions using the STAR method:

  • Situation

  • Task

  • Action

  • Result

Tips from the Pros

1. Be Authentic

Show your personality, but remain professional.

2. Ask Insightful Questions

Demonstrate interest in the company and role.

3. Follow Up

Send a thank-you email within 24 hours.

Final Check

The Day Before:

  • Review the job description and company website.

  • Charge your devices and have backups ready.

The Morning Of:

  • Plan your outfit and have a snack nearby.


  • Take deep breaths, relax, and be yourself.

You Got This!

Nailing an online interview isn’t all that different from an in-person one — you just have to tweak your approach a little.

With these tips, exercises, and mindset shifts, you'll be well-prepared to nail your next online interview.

Ready to shine on screen? Master the art of online interviews with our expert tips and practice exercises. Boost your confidence, ace the interview, and land your dream job! 

What’s happening in career and jobs 💡

Job Readiness Training. 🚶‍♂️💰

Job Board 💼

Curriculum Specialist Dual Language – Northeast
Nevada Educational Consultant
Southeast Bilingual Math Educational Consultant
Mackenzie Winkel at ChalkTalk is recruiting 2 salespeople
Jonathan Yang at SETDA is hiring a Director of Membership and Corporate Engagement

Source. X/Twitter: JoshoJpatterson

Wishing you continued success in your career journey!

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